Thursday, December 25, 2003


God Grant You the Light in Christmas,

Which is....

Which is Faith;

The Warmth of Christmas,

Which is Love....

The All of Christmas,

Which is Christ!   

Wilda English


My sister's love is very special, one I'll treasure through the years.

We've played and laughed together and ofttimes shed many tears.

But through life's maze of problems,

God's placed a bond of love within....

To unite our hearts in wisdom.....

Changing Sister's into Friends!

Judy Meggers


Merry Christmas Everyone!

Especially to My Sister's!

I Love You today,Betty Jean!

I Love You Today, Barbara!

I love you Today, Peggy!

Mary Louise




Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you and your sisters, Mary Louise. I hope you're having a nice day.


Anonymous said...

This is Heart-breaking......but I shall be back to read it again! love and sympathy...Con