It's strange how I can feel so Lonely at night and so Full during the day.
I can't get to sleep tonight. Too many memories of too many things.
Not just of Peggy but of all of my life! Good Memories and Bad.
Why do they visit me in the night when I feel so tired????
Just Breathe....... and take one memory at a time and one day at a time!
Peggy was always there when I felt this way.... Now, Tonight...There is just me...
By myself...
I Will get through this night because...My Mother always told us..This Too Shall Pass!
You are strong. You have "The Colley Pride"!
I miss you, Peggy. I miss your strength when I feel so weak.
I Do have all the Strength from our Mother and I am thankful for that tonight!
It will be a long night but I Am Not Alone.....
Thank you...To All Of the People Who Love Me.....Who let me know that they care.
This Too Shall Pass and Tomorrow will Be.. A New Day....
I Love You Peggy, BettyJean, Barbara, Johnny...
WE ARE FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU are with me as I struggle to get to sleep tonight.
Mary Louise
I have trouble in the night too sometimes. I will awake slightly and all these negatives thoughts will come flooding in and disturb me so much I can't sleep. I have say hey stop this go you bad things. I can think of all you in the morning. Night is not the time to entertain you! Sweet dreams and positive thoughts.
Nightitmes are difficult sometimes, I'm so glad you started this journal, it probably helps you vent your feelings alot me anytime I'm usually up late at night.....I think I'm around your age I'm going to be 53. Good luck sweetie
I wonder if Peggy feels alone? Or is that memory gone too. hmmmmmm.
I think so many thoughts come to us at night, because it is then that we are still enough to "hear" them. (((hugs))) to you as you continue on this journey with your sister. This entry has made me wonder..."do you think it's possible that when Peggy sleeps her unconscious mind lets her dream & remember?"
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