Saturday, November 29, 2003

No One is Home

I'm listening to the christmas song, Please, Celebrate me Home by Kenny Loggins.

When I saw this picture, I remembered the times that we were celebrated Home for Christmas!

What a wonderful time we had together the Christmas of this picture.

I found the courage and the strength to call Peggy yesterday afternoon.

The voice mail picked up and I have to say that I was relieved.

 I needed a day for myself.

 A day not to feel Sad when I heard Peggy's voice.

A day that I didn't hear her struggle with words and try to put sentences together.

I usually don't call on Saturday or Sunday but I felt the need to call this morning.

To make the connection that I missed yesterday.

Again, voice mail...

I experience a broad range of feelings from relief to lonely sadness.

I missed you today, Peggy!

I missed our talk.

The content of our conversations never mattered..It is hearing your voice and remembering the times we celebrated Home!

I was given a glimsp into my future... A future without you in my life, a future without hearing your voice every day.

I cried today because I didn't hear The home in your voice..You were not there and It is a fact of our future as Sister's.

Yesterday, I was relieved that I didn't talk to you and Today...

I cried because I can't talk to you.

I cry because I know that this is our future as Sister's.

Like I said; I have a broad range of emotion on this snowy morning in Ohio. Listening to Christmas music and decorating for Christmas.

I stopped to write because I heard the song...Please, Celebrate me Home and I thought of you, Peggy.

I thought of a future when we won't be the Fab 4 any longer but the Fab 3!

I thought of the day when you will Truely be Celebrated Home!

What a great home coming for you.. but....

 HOW VERY SAD for the FAB 3 who will be left behind to grieve the loss of a cherished, funny, beautiful, strong sister.

You're going home, Peggy... AND

Betty, Barbara and I send our love as we...


Love,    Mary Louise



Anonymous said...

You have really great photos of all your sisters! I have 4 sisters myself and cherish all of our photos together. Your pictures always remind me so much of mine:)

Anonymous said...

Your Thanksgiving sounded wonderful. so good to know you have lots of family who love you.

Anonymous said...

My love to you Peggy. Thank you for all you have meant to me and my family. The Fab 4 did have good times. The comforting thought is that we will all be together in heaven to spend an eternity. But we have the present and all the wonderful memories. caragrike