Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Missing Snodgrass!

I woke up this morning to a cold, grey day in Ohio.

I am feeling down and sad. Not a clue why but here I am all Teary and Lonely.

My first thought was to call Peggy because on a day like today, we would always talk and she could make me laugh especially when she would get in her SNODGRASS  Mode and the day didn't seem so bad.

The name Snodgrass was given to Peggy on her 13th birthday by Betty Jean, Barbara and me.

We had the name SNODGRASS put on her birthday cake in Big letters as a joke.

From then on..when we wanted her to laugh, we called her Snodgrass!

Yesterday and today, when I called... you haven't wanted to talk to me, Peggy. 

You couldn't wait to hang up the phone. I try real hard not to take it personally.

I want to get in your mind and understand why your days are so different.

Maybe, you didn't know who I was today and you didn't want to talk to a stranger.

I  feel Shut Out and though I try not to Need anything from you ..I still Do!

I really miss you, Snodgrass...Especially today when I'm feeling so low. 

I also am angry with you, Peggy. How dare you go away and leave us like this!

How dare you break up the Fab 4.

Deep breath.......I know, Peggy that it is not your fault.  I just miss you so much today that it hurts. I miss the Snodgrass in you that could make me laugh.

I don't want you to tell me goodbye..and I struggle with that daily!

This is another Very Sad day in this Long Goodbye.

Maybe, tomorrow you will be better!!!!

Maybe, Tomorrow a cure will be found!

Maybe tomorrow, you will know me.

 Maybe tomorrow... Maybe Tomorrow.....   Maybe Tomorrow.......

Missing Snodgrass Today!

 Missing my Sister, My Forever Friend!



Anonymous said...

It's snowing and dreary here in Oregon today so I can sort of get in your mood. I feel really isolated sometimes and it's hard being so far away from those I love. You are doing a beautiful thing on behalf of Peggy and your sisters. I love the photos. I'll be thinking of you especially today. Libby

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about your sister. I have 4 sisters of my own...actually only 3 now but I can't bring myself to leave out Jean who died in '97. I can't even imagine what you are going through at this time. My thoughts will be with you and your family.