Wednesday, November 2, 2005


We accumulate grief over a lifetime. When something life altering happens, all of the other grief that we have experienced in our life time, line up like dominos set to after the other.


I wish that we had a wall of cubby holes in our minds to store the grief after it has happened.

We would experience the grief and place it in the cubby hole in our mind, never to experience it again.

If we could do that, the past grief would not color the grief of the present.

I could experience my grief, one at a time, check it off and store it in cubby holes marked for the grief...

DOG DIED...5 years old

GRANDFATHER DIED...7 years old

FIRST LOVE...broke up, 17 years old

MOTHER DIED....34 years old

 And so it would go on through our lives, experiencing and putting grief away in a special cubby hole.

I do not mean to say that we would not remember our grief and the pain that accompanied it. But we would not relive it over and over again and mix it with the grief of the present.

I could experience the pain and grief of today and one day, put it away in the cubby hole marked..


Ralph Waldo Emerson said;

Finish every day and be done with it....Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense. This day is all that is good and fair.

It is too dear, with its hopes and invitations, to waste a moment on yesterdays.

I Love You Today, Peggy!

Mary Louise


Anonymous said...

A wonderful entry, Mary; filled with a lot of wisdom. I especially like the quote of
Ralph Waldo Emerson's. Thanks for posting it.
God bless you,

Anonymous said...

Beautiful entry and visuals...I have a question after reading your journal for some time you attend any grief support groups?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on winning the Vivi Award for Most emotional journal.  You are definitely tops on my list.  Hugs, LuAnne

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your Vivi Award!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your award!


Anonymous said...

thank you for writing.... judi

Anonymous said...

I have a little place where I safely stow my memories, and occasionally bring them out to remind and remember, even the grief.  Sometimes the pain deminishes and allows you to focus on the lesson that was unclear at the initial experience.  Put your grief in a cubbyhole, just don't be afraid to ever peek back inside at it.
Congratulations on your ViVi Award.  Thank you for sharing your life with us.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on winning the Vivi Award for Most Emotional Journal!  You certainly deserve it!  I'm so happy for you!  Hugs!  Lisa

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your Vivi Award! Well done, and well-deserved!


Anonymous said...

Congrats!  Well deserved for sure.  

Anonymous said...

congratulations on your ViVi award; so sorry that your winning was as a result of this sad time in your life watching your sister disappear.....


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your win!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your ViVi Award win! I'm sure Peggy would be very proud of you! What a loving sister you are!

Darla ;o)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your VIVI award...
{{{HUGS}}} to you & Peggy!

Anonymous said...

Mary Louise,
Your journal is an awesome tribute to the bond between you and your sister and your love for her. Thank you for sharing with us and congratulations on winning the shows how many people you've touched!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your ViVi award...your love shone through....Sandi