I'm listening to the christmas song, Please, Celebrate me Home by Kenny Loggins.
When I saw this picture, I remembered the times that we were celebrated Home for Christmas!
What a wonderful time we had together the Christmas of this picture.
I found the courage and the strength to call Peggy yesterday afternoon.
The voice mail picked up and I have to say that I was relieved.
I needed a day for myself.
A day not to feel Sad when I heard Peggy's voice.
A day that I didn't hear her struggle with words and try to put sentences together.
I usually don't call on Saturday or Sunday but I felt the need to call this morning.
To make the connection that I missed yesterday.
Again, voice mail...
I experience a broad range of feelings from relief to lonely sadness.
I missed you today, Peggy!
I missed our talk.
The content of our conversations never mattered..It is hearing your voice and remembering the times we celebrated Home!
I was given a glimsp into my future... A future without you in my life, a future without hearing your voice every day.
I cried today because I didn't hear The home in your voice..You were not there and It is a fact of our future as Sister's.
Yesterday, I was relieved that I didn't talk to you and Today...
I cried because I can't talk to you.
I cry because I know that this is our future as Sister's.
Like I said; I have a broad range of emotion on this snowy morning in Ohio. Listening to Christmas music and decorating for Christmas.
I stopped to write because I heard the song...Please, Celebrate me Home and I thought of you, Peggy.
I thought of a future when we won't be the Fab 4 any longer but the Fab 3!
I thought of the day when you will Truely be Celebrated Home!
What a great home coming for you.. but....
HOW VERY SAD for the FAB 3 who will be left behind to grieve the loss of a cherished, funny, beautiful, strong sister.
You're going home, Peggy... AND
Betty, Barbara and I send our love as we...
Love, Mary Louise