This letter and reply was in "Dear Abby" this morning. Dear Abby is written by Jeanne Phillips, whose mother founded the column. You can write Dear Abby at Box 69440, Los Angles, Ca. 90069
After a 10 year battle, I recently lost my husband to Alzheimer's disease.
My darling was handsome, brilliant and athletic, a chemist and an avid golfer.
Our family was confused and concerned when he began to lose the ability to do simple tasks.
The progression of his illness was devastating physically, emotionally and financially.
No one should have this disease, either as a person afflicted with it or as a caregiver who is helpless to intervene.
Alzheimer's disease is not the funny punch line of a joke that it has been made out to be.
It's the seventh-leading cause of death in this country, yet it doesn't seem to get the attention that cancer, heart disease or even AIDS does.
What can I do to ensure that Alzheimer's won't affect my children and grandchildren?
Elizabeth in Dallas
Your concerns are echoed by the families of more than 5 million American's currently living with Alzheimer's and the nearly 10 million people who are providing their care.
If something isn't done about it now, an estimated 16 million people will have it by the year 2050.
I applaud your determination to get involved.
September 21 is WORLD ALZHEIMER'S DAY, and I hope that you- and others-
will join the Alzheimer's Association by becoming an Alzheimer's Champion, as I have.
To learn more about the disease and how you can take steps to join the fight,
This letter was real to me as I have and continue to......
Watch My Sister Disappear.........
From Alzheimer's disease.
If you don't know anyone with the disease..Do it for Peggy!
I Love You Today, Peggy!
Mary Louise
Dear Abbey, no matter who writes it, almostr always has a way of offering her readers an opportunity for action as well as reflection. Thank you for sharing this. Margo
Yes! That was very good advice! We must fight for the cure!
In honor of Peggy and all others that we know!
Thanks for highlighting this, Mary Louise, I've put the message out.
Thanks for sharing this, may it be of help to everyone who has someone with this terrible illness. Saw so many family going through this with their loved one when I worked in the medical field.....lets all work towards the fight. Arlene (AJ)
There's no cure.......someday there will be. By putting the word out LOUDLY and REPEATEDLY.....we are ONE day closer to the cure.
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