Thursday, May 22, 2008



  My Mother was a life force. A wonderful mother and friend as

 I grew into adulthood.

When she died, I was devastated but she taught all of us to go

on and live life.

I remember seeing her after she had died. I stood there and looked

at the woman who birthed me, taught and guided me. Sometimes, with

a very stern hand.

She never had to hit. All she needed to do

was give the "ugly mother look".

I looked at Mother as she lay dead and realized her life force was gone.

There was nothing there but the body of my mother.

Death had taken her spark, her light, her life force.

I thought about Peggy.

Her body is also still there and she has only....  forgotten.

Her spark, her light and her life force.

That's what having Alzheimer's disease does.

It STEALS..............

I Love You Today, Peggy!

Mary Louise


Anonymous said...

There is something huge about us alive and kicking and the transformation of being born into the new world of after life.

Thank goodness our bodies are not our final life.


Anonymous said...

God bless you and your sisters....I am so sorry for what you are having to go through.My mama has the same thing..and it gets harder and harder to go in and talk to tears me up.
God bless,

Anonymous said...

I have been gone for a while but now that I am back, I was eager to see how things were going for you. In a sad twist of fate, I find myself in a similar situation to yours. My sister is also disappearing but her situation is due to MS that has had a significant impact on her brain neurons.  I will now look at your entries through a different prism.  

Best wishes and good thoughts -
